Scripture misinterpretation

_As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction_ .”
— 2 Peter 3:16 (KJV)

Theme: *Scripture misinterpretation* .
Scriptures are a summary of what Christ has done for us and what this new life in Him is all about. But Peter speaks a certain group of believers whose end in reading scripture is destruction: literally instead of building their faith in God, it is encouraging them out of the way.

It is possible for a man to study scripture and that man instead of living a life of righteousness by faith, he ends up in works as a requirement of the law. No scripture is private interpretation, if there’s an understanding birthed in us by the Spirit in the Scriptures it should carry an approvement in the Spirit before those who are given to the study of scripture, however much it seems hard to comprehend.

In this context when Peter speaks of some things being hard in Paul’s teachings: he literally speaks of things they had not been revealed unto, but they were their and when Paul came to discuss such matters with them they understood him. [Galatians 2:2].

See, because of a man’s state of heart and level of growth: one can misinterprete scriptures for their own advantage. To encourage themselves in the wrong and approve their weaknesses. If the scripture we have read or has been shared with us doesn’t encourage us to forsake sin and walk in righteousness: then the end is destruction.

To such, when taught the grace of God, it is an encouragement to live in sin: and we know the end of sin is destruction. Therefore, the Lord has set elders before us to help us understand scriptures, let’s not be right in our own eyes. This doesn’t undermine the teaching office of the Spirit, but it’s the same Spirit that is operating in your Pastors. Speak to them for guidance, lest you run a race in vain and as well mislead others.

*Further Study* :
Galatians 2:2-5.
2 Timothy 3:15-16.
*Nugget* :
No scripture is private interpretation, if there’s an understanding birthed in us by the Spirit in the Scriptures it should carry an approvement in the Spirit before those who are given to the study of scripture, however much it seems hard to comprehend.
*Prayer* :
Heavenly father, I thank you for your Spirit who leads me into all truth and I thank you for you have availed men for me to help in my spiritual growth and understanding of scriptures. Thank you for a broken and a teachable heart, I walk not right in my own eyes, but in accordance to truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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