Genesis.2.3 (KJV)
Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

From the time of creation, we see that all that was created was created 1st from the spiritual ream and then later God speaking to that that had been created in the spiritual world to come to life.

From our theme scripture, when God was done creating everything and all that he had created came to pass, the the Bible tells us that he entered rest on the seventh day.

One of the things that many believers miss out during their time of creation, prayer is that they forget the principal of rest. An example when one is sick and he or she goes to someone and they pray together and after a short while they move to another.

This mean that this parson has not understood the place of faith and thus they don’t have rest in their hearts. We know that one of the things that move God is a man of faith. Rest is a place that affirms the faith in the things that you have prayed for or created.

Rest is a place that affirms the faith in the things that you have prayed for or created.

Hebrews 4:11
Exodus 20:10

Loving Father, I thank you for my life, I thank you because I live in the perfect rest of the finished works of your son Jesus Christ and I longer live in fear, to the glory of your, Amen.


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