*Study scripture: * _Hebrews 13:7-Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation._


As a Christian,God has appointed to you different people and ministries to participate in the welfare of your spiritual life. These have a carried a responsibility towards you of speaking the word continually to you. Celebrate and appreciate them continually.

As an appreciation towards them, Paul taught the Hebrews to remember such men and ministries. To remember means to have them constantly in your memory. You ought to do something that shows that you appreciate that man or minister who labours for your soul.

The bible says such men watch over your soul and are to give an account for your soul on that day; *_Hebrews 13:17- “…for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account,…”_*. You ought to remember your spiritual leaders because they are watchmen and shepherds over your soul. They ensure the well being of your spirit.

*_1 Timothy 5:17-Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine._* Always attach reverence to your leaders that invest in their time and efforts to ensure that the word of God reaches you. Esteem them highly with honor. In simple terms,at least treat them twice the usual way you treat fellow Christians.

Do not participate in malicious talk against they that labour for your soul. Do not engage in slanderous speech and false accusations against them. Do not participate in scornful and funny jokes against your spiritual leaders. The bible tells you to attach double honor to them.

Send a text message to your leader appreciating him for their efforts towards you. Participate financially in their progress and well-being of their ministries. Pray for their families,careers and them personally. Encourage them. Above all things,remember your leaders and do something for them that shows God that you appreciate them.
*Glory to God!!*

*Further study:*
Galatians 6:6.
1 Thessalonians 5:25.

*Nugget: *
Send a text message to your leader appreciating him for their efforts towards you. Participate financially in their progress and well-being of their ministries. Pray for their families,careers and them personally.Encourage them. Above all things,remember your leaders and do something for them that shows God that you appreciate them.

*Prayer: *
Precious Holy Spirit, I thank you so much for your message today. I appreciate you so much for my leaders you have given to me to labour for my spirit. I pray for them to prosper in all things and may give me the ability to always remember and appreciate them in the name of Jesus Christ.
*Amen. *


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