Prophecy foretold and miscellaneous

*Study Scripture*
1 Kings 14:1-6 Ahijahā€™s Prophecy Against Jeroboam At that time Abijah son of Jeroboam became ill, and Jeroboam said to his wife, ā€œGo, disguise yourself, so you wonā€™t be recognized as the wife of Jeroboam. Then go to Shiloh. Ahijah the prophet is thereā€”the one who told me I would be king over this people. Take ten loaves of bread with you, some cakes and a jar of honey, and go to him. He will tell you what will happen to the boy.ā€ So Jeroboamā€™s wife did what he said and went to Ahijahā€™s house in Shiloh. Now Ahijah could not see; his sight was gone because of his age. But the Lord had told Ahijah, ā€œJeroboamā€™s wife is coming to ask you about her son, for he is ill, and you are to give her such and such an answer. When she arrives, she will pretend to be someone else.ā€ So when Ahijah heard the sound of her footsteps at the door, he said, ā€œCome in, wife of Jeroboam. Why this pretense? I have been sent to you with bad news.

*Prophecy foretold and miscellaneous*
In this chapter king Jeroboam sends his wife to prophet Ahijah the old prophet from Shiloh who had prophecy of him(Jeroboam) becoming king and it came to pass by and disguise herself not to be known as his wife.

King Jeroboam is so drown into idolatrous worship and making his way through over every situation ship and so he commands his wife to carry along some food items as a bribe inorder for the prophet to prophecy to his wife what will happen to their sick son Abijah. You don’t need to disguise yourself before the Lord delivers His message to you because God knows us more than we may claim to know ourselves because He is the creator of the heavens and it’s universe.

But clearly Isaiah.55:8 tells us that God’s ways and thoughts are not like ours, because of lack of awareness on this he continues to fall short of God’s glory and wants to use other paths to gain out of God but God sends a message ahead of him to his faithful man of God prophet Ahijah who had also lost his sight to the effect of old age, this shows us how the man of God has been a faithful and obedient steward in God’s Kingdom.

God’s sovereignty and power is so great that He used a blind prophet to be able to realize that it was a wife to king Jeroboam who had been sent to disguise herself unto him and take back the message that the Lord has to say unto them.

God is the author of everything on the universe and has authority over both the heaven and the earth.
He was able to foretell to the blind prophet who was coming to him and what he would say to her on her arrival to him. All we need to do is align our lives in truth and God is able to know whatever may happen anytime.
So as a Christian who is faithful and believes in God, He is surely making a way through for you. Just put your trust in him.

*Further study*
1 kings.14:1-6

God we thank you for today, we pray that you soften our hearts to be able to repent and return back to you in truth and not remain in our evil acts like King Jeroboam,
In the name of the Jesus Christ


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