Theme scripture: _Ezekiel 37:4 – Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. – Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:_
When we speak of prophecy,it goes beyond a word of knowledge given to you by a seer in the spirit. The presence of prophets is necessary in church for the mind of God and awakening men to times and seasons and purpose.
But deeper than that,to prophecy also means to publish,to announce,to proclaim,to decree, to speak etc. God told Ezekiel to prophecy to the dry bones. God did not give the dry bones life.
It is amazing to acknowledge that the dry bones can hear the word of God. All things hear and are submitted to the word of God. This is because all things came out of the word. We submit to our parents because we came out of them. Likewise,all creation is responsive to the word because it came out of the word.
Your phone, laptop, career, family, body etc has been designed ready to submit to the word of God. Tell your body to hear the word of God. Tell that heart attack to hear the word of God. Tell that job to hear the word of God.
You are supposed to command a breath in all things around you. The quickening spirit of God is present to vitalize and give life to all things that are in your vicinity.
It does not matter what is dry around you. It could be your finances, career etc. Tell it to hear and hearken unto the word of God. Command a breath in all things around you to the glory of God.
All things are possible,the valley was full of dry bones but all of them received life because the prophet spoke a word upon the bones. He commanded a new life. God did not change the bones. It was the responsibility of the prophet. It is your responsibility to publish life in all things around you.
*_Glory to God_*
*Further study:* 2 Peter 1:19, Job 22:28
*Nugget:* To prophecy also means to publish,to decree,to say. Have the boldness to proclaim the word of God upon any circumstances around you. All things have been designed to respond and submit to the word. Decree a life in all things around you. Do not accept to be a victim of dry bones.
By the life giving spirit at work in my life,I cause breath to enter my body. I command life into my family. I speak an increase in all the dimensions of my life. In the name of Jesus.
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