Matt.6.21 It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being. (MSB)
*Priotise the spiritual things*
The results in a man are evidence of where their treasure is.The things a man treasures he meditates and gives much time to them.
The authority of where you want to be is in your hands by choosing which kind of treasure to have and invest in,,,as the script says….Gal.6.7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. ,,,,,,
Child of God your treasure will determine your destiny….or destroy it. Use the chance of treasuring the things which are of God that you define the man and woman you want to be.
Have what you treasure and yield and see the end of where you will be,,,,the evagelist ,teacher,apostle you want to be,is shaped by what you treasure .
*Further study.*
Ist cor 9:19,gal 6:8,matthew 12:35.,etc.
*Golden nugget.*
What your heart treasures defines the kind you will be and you are…define your self by the things of God.
Father I thank you for your grace,I avail my self to the right treasures in you ,and am defined by jesus name. Amen
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