_2nd Peter 1:12-15 KJV 12 Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, *and be established in the present truth.* 13 Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by *putting you in remembrance;* 14 Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me. 15 Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease *to have these things always in remembrance.*_

Peter the apostle admonishes us of three things in the scripture above.

1. Be established in the present truth
2. Putting in remembrance
3. Have these things always in remembrance.

*1. Be established in the present truth*

_2nd Peter 1:12 KJV Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, *and be established in the present truth.*_

What does it mean to be established in the present truth?
First of all present truth are the new testament realities. The old testament waxed old and the new testament realities were the things that were established in place. (Hebrews 8:13)
So Peter tells us to be established in the new testament realities.

Some people are not established in these truths, they don’t understand grace, the new creature, what it means to have a clean heart, what it means to be righteous by faith etc. So many because of that ignorance they cannot function perfectly in the things of God.

So we ought to understand these present truth realities and live by them hallelujah glory to God. We need to exercise ourselves in the new testament realities rather than the old because the old waxed old and passed away.

*2. Putting in remembrance*

_2nd Peter 1:13 KJV Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, *to stir you up by putting you in remembrance;*_

The second thing Peter tells us is to put them in remembrance. How do you remember these things? It’s by speaking them over and over again. Meditate on these things wholly and give yourself wholly to these things.

Many when they forget them by negligence end up doing more harm than good.
Peter speaks of men who have forgotten that they were purged from their old sins (2nd Peter 1:9). This means that a man can literally forget they they are a new creature. That’s why today we have some people who started by grace then ended up under the law. They were brought back into bondage because they never reminded themselves of these present truths.

Today as knowledge increases, it is possible for a man to begin ministering the law thinking that it’s depths. Especially those not established in present truths.

When we remind ourselves of these present truths, they begin sounding in us and as they sound, you hear them speak to you daily.

Everytime you are put in remembrance of these things, you are stirred up as the apostle Peter has said hallelujah. It’s like when you put sugar in tea and you want the tea to have a balanced taste, you stir it up. The same happens when you put yourself in remembrance of these things, you are being balanced in the spirit in all directions. The day you stop reminding yourself of these present truth realities, you will lose balance.

When you stop stirring passion fruit juice, it concentrates at the bottom and the top part loses its thickness hence bringing about imbalance in the juice. So is the same with a man that has forgotten the present truth.

*3. Have these things always in remembrance.*

_2nd Peter 1:15 KJV Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able *after my decease to have these things always in remembrance.*_

Then lastly Peter speaks of preserving these things after he has left this earthly body. He says having them even after he is deceased.

So the last thing that he speaks of is the preservation of the things that have been given to you. The new testament realities has to be preserved in you and then passed on to other men.

When you have understood these things then God begins working with you to the preservation of these truths by passing them unto others and the pattern continues. That’s how certain truths are preserved. That’s why as we preach the present truth, they are being preserved for the next generations.

God preserves present truth that’s what God preserves. That’s why we have had many men who were so deep but they were not preserved. Their works were not preserved. Do you not wonder why there are some deep men and prophets but their work has not been preserved. Why? Because probably they were not established in present truth.

Finally, be established in the present truth, remind yourself daily of these things and you will be surprised how high you will go.


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