*Study scripture:* _In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name._*(NKJV)*


One of the elementary guides unto prayer a Christian must understand is what Christ taught his disciples at an early age. Meanwhile,that is not how Jesus used to pray himself but was teaching us and giving a direction when we approach God in prayer.

Many Christians have found prayer to be hard because they have sought to perform it without the revelation of Jesus himself. The prayer Jesus taught his disciples is not just for reciting in thirty seconds and you feel you are done.

In that prayer,the first place is where Jesus was telling us that we start by magnifying the name of the Lord when we say Hallowed be your name. This means that an individual should enter the courts of prayer with words of worship and exaltation unto the Lord.

Hallowed be your name means you enter the gates of the Lord adoring him,speaking of who he is and the things he does. You speak of the things that define him as Holy and righteous. You speak of his righteous judgements and the wisdom of his spirit.

In the first statement,Jesus was telling us to always enter his gates with thanksgiving. Open your mouth and appreciate God for the miracles he has done for you. He has kept your family. Appreciate him for your tuition and parents. Hallowed be his name for your relationship. You could take 30 minutes today speaking of God’s goodness child of God.

*_Psalms 100:4-Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name._* Hallowed be your name is not just a recitation of one second. It is a door Christ was opening up to you. That the first thing you ought to always do as a Christian is to magnify him and worship him when you approach his gates. Make up your mind to blossom your Christian prayer life.

*Further study:*
Psalms 100:4
Psalms 18:3

In the first statement,Jesus was telling us to always enter his gates with thanksgiving. Open your mouth and appreciate God for the miracles he has done for you. He has kept your family. Appreciate him for your tuition and parents. Hallowed be his name for your relationship. You could take 30 minutes today speaking of God’s goodness child of God.

I magnify your name king of kings for who you are. I appreciate you for your mercy and loving kindness. Thank you for your goodness in Jesus name.


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