_Hebrews 11:1 KJV *Now faith* is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen._


Scripture tells us that “Now faith is…”, this means that faith is in the realm of the now. It’s not tomorrow but now. Faith is present. Many times when faith is being spoken about in the time series, it is not future neither is it past, it is in the now.

When it comes to the realm of divine healing for example, many say statements like one day the lord will heal me, one day I will be rich, one day I will succeed and they call it faith. That is not faith speaking because faith doesn’t speak that way. That is a man hoping.

Faith says now I am healed, not I will be healed, now I am a success, now I am rich, I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. It’s not a tomorrow issue, it is a present reality. That’s how many have misinterpreted faith thinking they are walking by faith yet they are actually walking by hope.

What is that which you have desired, what is that which you have loved, get on your knees, pray and believe that you recieved them. Write on a small sheet of paper or booklet and say this date the lord granted me this and that as a testimony then begin walking like a man who has it. How would you walk knowing that you are married? How would you walk knowing that you are the richest man in the world? How would you dress up?

Further study: Mark 11:24

Prayer: Father I thank you that this day I have received whatsoever I have desired, I believe it with my heart and will always confess it with my mouth knowing that your word is true.


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