*Study scripture:* _Ephesians 2:12 – That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:_
It is so amazing to actually notice that a man without Christ in this world is without God. Regardless of how religious he may appear to be, how often he goes to church,the name he carries and other semblances of godliness.
If a man has never taken a personal decision to believe and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, that man does not have God in this world. Anything can be against him. The only surety of the presence of God is having Jesus Christ.
If a man does not have Christ,the bible calls him a stranger from the promises of God. He does not have free access and liberty to some previledges God has availed to man freely. He lives at the cost and abilities of the world to sustain himself.
Such a man has to pay a price for healing,yet healing has been given freely in Christ. Such man labours had to be prosperous and successful,yet riches are free in Christ. This is because he does not have Christ. He is an alien to the promises.
When a man exists without Christ,he is without hope. That is why many men are caught up in addictions, prostitution, lying, slander etc. Many men have taken poison and committed suicide simply because they did not have hope. Without Christ,a man is without hope in this world.
But thanks be to God who has given us Christ as the hope of glory *Colossians 1:27;… which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:* He is the hope of glory in your family, career, marriage, ministry etc. Do you need glory? Look to Christ.
That is why no man should exist without Christ. Because without Christ, man does not have God,has no access to God’s promises and does not have hope.
*Further study:*
Colossians 1:25-26.
Ephesians 2:12-19.
*Nugget:* It your individual responsibility to ensure that people in your circle come to know Christ. Know it that a man without Christ is a man without God. Give a man Christ, give him hope.
Now that I have Christ in me. I am with God and I live with God. I have free access and liberty to the promises of God. I do not live a hopeless life. I anticipate glory in my career and all things around me for Christ is in me the hope of glory.
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