The Greek word used for manifold is _poikilos_ meaning various colours, various sorts, or many sided. So Peter reveals to us that the grace of God is manysided.
The grace of God has different dimensions and different levels. That’s why we are told in John 1:16 that ” And of his fulness have all we received, *and grace for grace.*” We have received grace for grace, what does that mean?
He doesn’t say grace to grace but grace for grace meaning one level of grace is only there to introduce you and me to another level of grace. In other words we would say grace upon grace.
Never settle at the level of grace that you have attained thinking that you have reached the last place. Grace is various and many sided, grace is multifaceted and multidimensional, that’s why we never settle with the grace we have received.
We continue recieving graces from God through his word hallelujah glory to God. Never settle where you are, always hunger for more because there is more in God.
*Further study:* Romans 5:17
*Prayer:* father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the hunger that you always birth in me concerning accessing deeper levels in you, I refuse to settle for what I have already accessed and by your spirit I chose to submit more to you as you help me access more levels of graces in you. Amen
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