*Theme Scripture.*
Matt.5.16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (ALL)


The theme scripture tells us that we ought to let your light shine. Meaning each and everyone of us has a light in them. That light is Christ.

When the scripture says “let your light”, this means that it is a deliberate decison. Yes you have the light but you have to let it shine. It means that since you have the light within you, there are things or words you will never speak. Why? You are the light and you have been told to let it shine before men. The more you yield to the person in you, the brighter your light will shine.

That is when men start glorifying the God in heaven through your actions. Men start to see God in you. Why? You are yielded enough to be instructed by the person in the inside of you. Hallelujah.

When the theme scripture speaks of men, it doesn’t say only church members but every man around your sphere of life, be it family or work mates. They must atest to the light that is within you to the glory of God.

The lady Dorcas in the Bible was well known throught the town just because of her good works. Saints,give yourselves enough to the dealings of Christ in you such that your light shines before all men and glorify the Father in Heaven.

*Further Study.*
Acts 9:36
Matthew 5:14

The lady Dorcas in the Bible was well known throught the town just because of her good works. Saints,give yourselves enough to the dealings of Christ in you such that your light shines before all men and glorify the Father in Heaven.

Loving Father, i receive this truth with an open heart. And choose to let my light shine before all men to the Glory of your name. Amen.


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