*Matthew 5:16*
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
We’ve generally taken this verse to mean ” *letting out lives shine* ” to be examplary which is an accurate interpretation. However, this ” *Let your light shine* ” could even be more specific to mean our talents, callings and giftings that God has graced us with. The light God has graced me with may not be the same as yours.
In other words, if God has graced you with a certain light, then major on that and shine it so bright so that the bible says in vs 6″ *…that they may see your good works and glorify your father in Heaven* “. Be the best at being that Musician, that Football er, that Husband or wife, that business person; that when people look at you playing perhaps Football, they can bless the lord and say thank God for “Lionel Messi, his graced in this sport”. Amen.
Lord thank you for the lights you’ve graced us with. Help us shine our lights so bright that all may see and glorify you in Jesus’ Name Amen.
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