_1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; *but then shall I know even as also I am known.*_
Many know themselves according to how their friends know them, Others according to how parents, relatives etc have known them. However, we ought to know ourselves the way God has known us.
That is what Paul by the spirit means when he says then shall I know even as also I am known. He is saying know yourself the way God knows you.
You don’t even have to know yourself as you do, you ought to know yourself as God knows you. How does God know you? What image does he have of you?
Forget all that you know of yourself and look closely into how God knows you. God has the perfect image of how you look like, not even yourself.
So invest more time in knowing yourself the way God knows you. That will change the way you walk in this path of life. Hallelujah glory to God.
*Further study:* Philippians 3:10
*Prayer:* father in the name of Jesus I thank you that the wisdom to know myself as you have known me is at work in me, I chose to look at myself the way you see me and hence by your grace I walk it. Amen.
Father in the name of Jesus I thank you that the wisdom to know myself as you have known me is at work in me, I chose to look at myself the way you see me and hence by your grace I walk it daily.
Therefore I know myself the way you know me, I understand myself the way you understand me, I see myself the way you see me ohhh glory to God ????
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