*Study scripture:*

*John 1:46*
_And Nathanael said to him, ” *Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”* Philip said to him, “Come and see.”_


Praise the lord! Nazareth was a city just a few miles north of Jerusalem. During the time of Jesus, the Jews held those from Nazareth, a city within the region of Galilee, in low esteem. This isn’t seen better anywhere else in Scripture than through Nathanael’s question, _*“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”*_

And perhaps like this small city, you’ve had some family members or some people who were really close friends of yours ridicule, criticize and regard you in low esteem saying or thinking to themselves, *_”Can anything good come out of this one?”_*
*_That shouldn’t bother you_* because Praise King Jesus He is the good thing that came out of Nazareth and will be the good thing that comes out of you and me if we will let Him. Hallelujah!

Jesus speaks of himself and says,…

*John 8:12*
_Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ” *I am the light of the world.* He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”_

When we let Jesus in, we too become the light of the world because His in the inside. In a world dark as this, you can rest assured people (your family, Friends and even your critics) will begin to see the light in you and glorify your Father in heaven. *_How do we let Jesus in?_* First we become Born again and He enters into our hearts. Then we get to know Him through His Word and here is what Paul instructs of Timothy that’s also true for you and me that; _”If he would Meditate on these things; and give himself entirely to them, *than his progress will be evident to all* .”_ (1 Timothy 4;15 paraphrased). Good things would come out of Him for all to see. Hallelujah!

*Further Study*
Matthew 5;14, 16, Joshua 1;8, Zechariah 4;6


When we let Jesus in, we too become the light of the world because His in the inside. In a world dark as this, you can rest assured people (your family, Friends and even your critics) will begin to see the light in you and glorify your Father in heaven.

Father thank you for your Son Jesus because His what is good about us who have believed. Holy Spirit continue teaching to grow in Him for our lives to shine brighter for the Glory of the Name of the lord in Jesus’ Name Amen.


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