Matthew 18:4
Here I believe Christ was talking about the difference between the greatest and the least in the kingdom of heaven. (among others)
there is such a thing as least and greatest in the kingdom of heaven that is why we hear of different glories in the kingdom of heaven.
So when he says *..humble himself as a little child…*,
I believe he is not saying God will humble you, but you do so.
It is your responsibility to humble yourselves down. But you do it under the mighty hand of God.(in the wisdom of God)
You humble yourself in knowledge.
1st Peter 5:6 also begins by saying *humble yourselves…*
So it is our duty to humble ourselves but again we do it under the mighty hand of God (the understanding of God concerning humility) because the grace is availed.
God cannot ask you something that you can’t do. So he first availed the grace to do so then he asked us to do it.
*Now let us look at a little child.*
I believe here he was talking about receiving revelation (among others)
The way a little child receives revelation is different from the way a proud person receives revelation.
Some qualities of a little child;
A little child will
1. Always be expectant to get something. They are curious to know.
2. A little child always waits for the explanation of something. When you tell them something, they never rest until they get it’s explanation.
3. When something is sweet to their test, they tend not to forget it. Eg when you promise a little child sweets, they will always remind you however much long it may take.
4. When you give a child something to eat, they never reject it unless when it is sour ??. They never keep what is sour but in our generation, men can keep what is sour as long as it benefits then somehow. That is selfishness and pride. You can’t keep what kills others. etc
When revelation unfolds in your spirit, wait for it’s explanation to become clear and receive it with meekness. ‘that is why James says *receive the engrafted word with meekness…’*
When the word of God is being preached, always be expectant to receive something from God.
That revelation received with humility will elevate you.
You can be humble in the eyes of men but rebellious
That I what I believe concerning the little children
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