John 3:30(KJV); He must increase, but I must decrease.
The greatest lesson any child of God must learn in dealing with the things of the spirit is that it is not about you, It is about God. The greatest stronghold against spiritual progress is being self-minded.
Our theme scripture says, God must increase. This means that His agenda, the expansion of His kingdom, His work in men and on the earth must be the greatest priority for any child of God. The question is why are you doing that job, why are you entering that marriage, why are you traveling abroad etc. If it’s not kingdom business then don’t expect God’s perfect will for your life to manifest through it.
His increase is not dependent upon your decrease but your decrease is dependent on His increase. When God begins to increase in and on a Man, such comes to the end of self; lt’s called walking with God until your own motives and desires are no more because his desires become your own desires.
In Isaiah 9:7, the Bible says that of the increase of His government, there shall be no end.
You see, nothing can slow the wheels of divine purpose. Nothing can affect the advance of the church and the desire of God upon the earth. He must increase.
You must position yourself in this equation and the way you do that is by decreasing, subjecting your desires to His desires, your plans to His plans and your convictions to His convictions.
God is on the increase and He uses dead men so you must learn to die. You must yield your body, mind and soul to Him because the end of this story is Him and Him alone.
Isaiah 9:7, Galatians 6:14
*NUGGET:* Nothing can slow the wheels of divine purpose. Nothing can halt the advance of the church and the desire of God upon the earth. He must increase.
*PRAYER:* Loving Father, I thank you for this word. Deal with me God. Today, I choose to cast down every crown, to set aside anything that qualifies me before men. I feel after you in every thing that I do. My heart’s desire is to see your name and glory fill the earth. I do all things in the consciousness that it is all about you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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