*Galatians 5:26 (MSG);*
That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original.

You are God’s greatest idea. Your parents asked God for a child, God gave them you.

There are things about you that even they will never understand.

God had a very unique plan for this world, wrapped it in a body and Your parents received it as a child. You.

Our theme scripture says that you are an original. You are not a cheap replica of a great original.

But what are you doing with this great truth child of God?

Examining your life against the successes of others and coming out on the wrong side of the comparison? Allowing yourself to fall short of standards not of God’s making?

I want you to imagine for a moment what kind of thought investment by God went into making an original you.

What did He define as unique? What made Him sigh and say “Yes, this one is different?”

If you connect to that thought pattern that made your manifestation into the physical realm a necessity, you will understand your distinction and that there is no corner in eternity where another you can be found.


2 Corinthians 10:12,
Psalm 139:14

If you connect to the thought pattern that made your manifestation into the physical realm a necessity, you will understand your distinction and that there is no corner in eternity where another you can be found.

Loving Father, I thank You for this word. Thank You for my unique strengths, graces and purpose. I refuse to compare myself in a demeaning manner to any man because I know who I am. With this confidence, I live my life, build my dreams and change lives to the glory of Your name, Amen.


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