*Theme Scripture*

*Isaiah 11:2*
_And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge *and of the fear of the LORD* ;_

Our theme scripture if taken in context was referring to Jesus. But we who are born again now have the spirit of Jesus, the spirit of the fear of the lord. *1 John 4:17* and *Hebrews 13:5b*. The fear the bible refers to and which us born agains have is not that which makes us scared of God but that which makes us to obey his commands and listen to his voice. There is a fear that’s not for a born again believer to feel even if its directed to God, this fear is the one which sprouts from God dealing with the born again man according to the law, it pictures God’s anger, judgement, wrath and yet we are under grace *Romans 6:15* .This fear is right for a non believer but not for a born again Christian. *Romans 8;1*

Please note the distinction here. In *John 1:12* the bible says to as many as believed him, he gave the right to become children of God. And over in *Galatians 4:7* the bible says we are no longer slaves but sons. The way a son more so one who is a heir fears is different from how a slave fears, and we are sons of God, the bible says over in *Romans 8:29* that Jesus is the first born of the family we are in. So our fear of God is not like for slaves who fear judgement, wrath or condemnation, our fear is that which drives us to obey and listen to God, its certain 100% of forgiveness, it breeds from the assurance of His unconditional love, grace and mercy. Its stirs a man to hate sin because of who he is before the eyes of God, a son. _If we fear God like a non believer should then we’ve successfully given the enemy a starting point to condemn us, to make us feel guilty,feel unworthy and deprive us of God’s unconditional love as seen in_ *Romans 8 :35-39*

Lord, continue opening our hearts to this understanding of the fear you want us to have towards you as your children. Amen


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