*Study scripture: * _1 Timothy 1:4-Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do._


There are many kinds of knowledge that people carry and they are not of edification to themselves and to the church. And such things sometimes either cause arguments or strife or puff up individuals.

For example, it does not make sense to know what the color of Adam’s hair was. Or actually which kind of sandals did Jesus have? or Which kind of food did Jesus love to it? or what was apostle Paul’s dress code?

There are many of those things that people spend time trying to understand yet they will never change their lives or even minister edification to the church. Such always cause endless arguments and an ego among men that carry such knowledge.

As a Christian, why should you carry a knowledge that cannot change your finances? Why should you carry a knowledge that cannot change your relationship? Why should you have a lot of knowledge that cannot heal your body? There is a problem you carry with that knowledge.

The spiritual knowledge you carry should be able to edify you and your church. Do not invest in understanding things that cannot even even help you spiritually.

All knowledge should be able to minister to your health if you are sick. It should fix your finances if you are lacking. It should fix your relationship if you are struggling with your partner. It should help change your ministry. Do not carry and boast about an abundance of knowledge that cannot edify you.
*Praise be to God!!*

*Further study:*
Titus 3:9
1 Timothy 3:9

*Nugget: *
All knowledge should be able to minister to your health if you are sick. It should fix your finances if you are lacking. It should fix your relationship if you are struggling with your partner. It should help change your ministry. Do not carry and boast about an abundance of knowledge that cannot edify you.

*Prayer: *
Dear Lord Jesus!! I thank you for the blessing of your word this morning. I appreciate you for the understanding you have given to me to use all knowledge for my profiting. I am enabled by your spirit to discern and know what is right for my edification in the name of Jesus Christ.


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