Scripture study.
1 Kings 17:1-6
Now Elijah, who was from Tishbe in Gilead, told King Ahab, “As surely as the lord, the God of Israel, lives—the God I serve—there will be no dew or rain during the next few years until I give the word!”
Then the lord said to Elijah, “Go to the east and hide by Kerith Brook, near where it enters the Jordan River. Drink from the brook and eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded them to bring you food.” So Elijah did as the lord told him and camped beside Kerith Brook, east of the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook.
Theme: God our provider.
Here we see that God brings times of no dew or rain intentionally. This message was delivered to King Ahab by Elijah there after which Elijah went into hiding because of the king’s anger. But even in this situation, God was Elijah’s provider. He provided a source of water and gave instructions to the ravens to bring him food. Notice that even before Elijah began his journey, instructions were already given for his well being, things were already set into place for him. All that Elijah needed came from God.
In relation to our everyday life, even with our on going challenges, situations, times we look at and can not completely understand. God will provide all we need. We must understand that some things happen intentionally for our good even when it doesn’t seem like it. He doesn’t intend bad for us but sometimes certain things must happen inorder for God to be exalted. In that situation of limitation your in, instructions have already been made inorder to see you through. It’s hard to blindly trust but with God it’s always worthy it. Elijah on delivering this message to the king must have had many thoughts in his mind, maybe how he would be killed by the king but God saw beyond what Elijah saw. He had already placed things inorder for his survival.
God has placed things inorder for His children even through the times that may seem rough. In Matthew 6:31-33 it says “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Dear brethren all we need to do is please God in all we do and he will provide in times of need.
Further study
Matthew 6:31-33
Psalm 84:11
Let us put our trust in the Lord God through the holy spirit that strengthens us. Let there be no worry for what shall be tomorrow but seek God in our now. At the moment and all that we seek, desire and need shall be in place.
Lord God we thank you for this truth, for you dwell in us and we dwell in you. We bless your name for we live according to your purpose and will and we seek strength and understanding in our now.
In Jesus’s name. Amen
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