*Study Scripture*
1Kgs.6.11 – Then the LORD gave this message to Solomon:
1Kgs.6.12 – “Concerning this Temple you are building, if you keep all my laws and regulations and obey all my commands, I will fulfill through you the promise I made to your father, David.
1Kgs.6.13 – I will live among the people of Israel and never forsake my people.”
In chapter 5, Solomon was in preparations of building the temple of God and he partnered with Hiram King of Tyre to obtain the materials needed for building the temple.
King Hiram had the desire to see the temple built and because it wasn’t in the times of David because of the wars that surrounded him, it was carried on to King Solomon son of David.
Hiram pastered Solomon to build the temple but also Solomon already had intentions of building the temple of God and so procedures went on for obtaining material and the building of the temple begun in chapter 6.
All specifications for the temple building were followed but besides all this God desired to dwell amongst his people, he desired to live with his people and not just in the temple that they were building. (1Kgs.6.13 – I will live among the people of Israel and never forsake my people.”)
But there was a condition to this, if only they kept God’s laws and regulations, obeyed his commands then he would live with them.
God knew his people, the Israelites that they would at times forget him and all his values, forsake him and turn to idols, and so gave them a condition that however much they were building the temple they needed to obey his rules and commands such that he could dwell amongst them.
God does not desire that you just build for him a house to live because indeed you cannot but desires to live amongst us actually in us. The Bible says ” _Isaiah 66.1_ – _This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Could you ever build me a temple as good as that? Could you build a dwelling place for me?_ “.
But thanks be to God who chose our bodies to be his temple just so he could dwell in us through the Holy spirit after we have accepted Jesus Christ. We no longer have to build a temple like the Israelites had to do but we just have to offer our bodies to God so that he dwells in us, lives in us and works in us to do and to Will for his good pleasures.
Even when we try so hard to build the best temple for God we cannot but he chose to dwell in our Bodies because he made them by himself and so found it worthy to live in us so that he could make us what we were made for initially and be a people worthy to stand before him through Jesus Christ.
We no longer have to build a temple like the Israelites had to do but we just have to offer our bodies to God so that he dwells in us, lives in us and works in us to do and to Will for his good pleasures.
*Further study*
Romans 12.1
Ephesians 2:21
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Lord I thank you that amongst all creation, you chose to dwell in me and live in me so that you could work in me for your good work. I cannot build a place perfect for you to stay but you chose to use my body as you’re dwelling place. May this temple you chose give you glory and honor, may it be sanctified daily and be transfigured into the perfected place you desire. I choose to offer (my body) it daily before you that you purify it and use it for the glory and magnification of your name. In Jesus’ name Amen.
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