*Study scripture*

*Genesis 2:18,22*
_And the LORD God said, “[ *It is] not good that man should be alone;* I will make him a helper comparable to him….Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man *He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man* .”_

(Knowing MR. and MRS. Right)

From our theme scripture, we are awakened to one of the most awesome truth and that is that ” *_God was aware of Adams need for a helper and how it wasn’t good for him to be alone._* “. And if you are reading this and you too are led or feel a need for a helper in your life, you don’t want to burn with lust any longer; Well! Good News; *”God is aware”* . God wants you to be in a perfect marriage and relationship more than you even want. God saw what Adam was going through in his loneliness and He (God) did something about it. Amen

But we are also awakened to another truth in *vs 22b* that God on making the perfect woman Eve, the bible says “… *_and He brought her to the man_* “. This was not Adam’s doing, it wasn’t Adam overcome with emotions and going about and trying to figure things out on his own as many of us are guilty of doing; No! It was entirely God’s doing. God firstly saw the need for a Helper in Adam’s life and *_He Himself brought that comparable Helper to Adam_* because you know why? God cares ( *1 Peter 5:7* ). As a matter of fact, even the timing was of God as scripture doesn’t show Adam had a hand in this.

And finally, the bible says,
( *Genesis 2:23* ) “And Adam said: ” *_This [is] now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh_* ; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” This gives us the final impression that the moment Adam beheld Eve, he knew this was the comparable Helper God had made for him. He just knew. Are you God’s sheep? The bible says you hear His voice ( *John 10:27* ) and therefore when God brings your Eve, you too will know unless you are dull of hearing. Take an example of…

*John 1:29-30*
The next day *John saw Jesus coming toward him* , and said, _” *Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! This is He of whom I said, ‘After me comes a Man who is preferred before me, for He was before me.’*_

Did you know this must have been before even Jesus was baptized and a voice heard from above confirming who He was according to Matthews account in ( *Matthew 3:13-17* )? John the Baptist [ *a man an angel said was filled with the Spirit of God from his mother’s womb ( Luke 1:15 )* ] just saw Jesus and boy oh boy! He knew there and then this was the man he had prepared the way for. *_Many people where already coming to him (John) for baptism if you read back in scripture ( and maybe for your case it’s symbolic for the proposals you’re getting from all these guys) but with Jesus (The right person) he just knew_* . Just keep in sync with the Holy Ghost and You too child of God will just know and say ” *Behold! this is the Eve of my bones, she (He) is my comparable Helper* ” . Glory

Luke 1:15, John 1: 29-34

Thank you Jesus because you will bring the right Eve to me, at the right time and I will know it because I am your sheep and I hear your voice. Amen


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