*Study scripture*
*Genesis 2:9, 16-17*
_And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is *pleasant to the sight and good for food.* The tree of life [was] also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil….And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, ” *Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die* .”_
In ” *Eat of The Tree Of Life 1* ” we saw how God created these trees in Eden for food and how man was accepted to eat of any of the trees including the Tree of life but not the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil for then He would die and indeed man experienced a certain death. The tree of knowledge of Good and Evil is the Wisdom of this World thats counter the Wisdom and the knowledge of God; His Word.
God had however intended man to take in for Spiritual food what was of Life; the tree of life which is symbolic of Christ ( *John 14:6* ). God wanted man to be conscience of only and only Christ and not at anyone point be careful for nothing ( *Philippians 4:8* ) as Jesus would be all we eat of and no anxieties would exist as a result of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil brings.
Christ is what is ” *Good and pleasant* ” for our food and God through His mercy has made him (Christ) once again to become our Wisdom from God.( *1 Corinthians 1:30* ) We can now still eat of Christ and experience life. Is my health failing? I will eat of the fruit of Christ. Is my marriage, academics, finances failing? I still shall eat of the tree of life who is Christ who is Wisdom from God for me.
Paul says whatever things are of Good report, true, pure think about such things and what is Good else where in scripture? Jesus said only God (The Word) alone is ” *Good* ” ( *Mark 10:18* ) and of the pure it says the wisdom from above is firstly pure ( *James 3:17* ) and of the truth it says _”Sanctify them by your Word for *thy Word is Truth* “_ ( *John 17:17* ) meaning all these things point back to us being conscience of Christ. Enough with your anxieties, fears and worries which only breed Death; its time to make a practice of feeding of Christ,His word and start to experience life
1 Corinthians 1:30, John 1:4
_Enough with your anxieties, fears and worries which only breed Death; its time to make a practice of feeding of Christ,His word and start to experience life_
Father thank you for Jesus who has become knowledge and wisdom for me. I eat of Him, I eat of life and whatever seemed Dead in my life raises in Jesus Name Amen.
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