*Study scripture*
*Genesis 2:9, 16-17*
_And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is *pleasant to the sight and good for food.* The tree of life [was] also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil….And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, ” *Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die* .”_


This portion of scripture describes God’s original plan for man which was not any form of death both spiritual nor physical. God had made trees for food; bible says they were pleasant to the sight and good to for food and He had commanded Man to eat of all trees He had created including the Tree of life except for the Tree of knowledge of good and evil which if he ate of, he would surely die.

These trees represent spiritual entities. The tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil is that which awakens our conscience and minds to what is not true of us in Christ Jesus.The issue was not knowledge, but the kind of knowledge that they ate of for food. The bible says when they ate of this tree, their eyes where opened and saw they were naked and what did they do next; they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves a covering.

Everything that firstly takes our attention off the tree of life who is Christ Jesus (John 14:6) and opens our eyes; our conscience to our naked that is how unqualified we are, how unloved, how disadvantaged, how sick and in lack we are is not what God intended us to be conscience of and is a tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil which ought not to be our food.

Sometimes the media, the News, our friends knowingly or feed us on such realities and they seem good but their end is death. People will say, things like *_”Even if you graduate, there are no jobs.” “No one can ever marry you.” “You can never amount to anything.” “That disease is incurable or its genetic.” “In your family, no one will ever become rich”_* And when they do say such things and we believe them, we die spiritually, lose fellowship with God and start to seek all manner of coverings.

Genesis 2. Philippians 4:8

_Everything that firstly takes our attention off the tree of life who is Christ Jesus (John 14:6) and opens our eyes; our conscience to our naked that is how unqualified we are, how unloved, how disadvantaged, how sick and in lack we are is not what God intended us to be conscience of_

Thank you Jesus for these truth. The knowledge of Good and evil is not my food but you are in Jesus Name Amen


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