1Tim.4.1 – But the [Holy] Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that in latter times some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach,
*Don’t be Decieved*
If anything can affect a man’s conscience, it can automatically change his direction or vision in life. We live in times when a person is enslaved because of ignorance or because they have been taught something wrong.
Some believers have agreed to live all their life with a sickness simply because it’s been told to them that that’s the will of God, others hate wealth because it’s taught that much riches could make them forget God, others once dreamt for the world but now are have settled for less because everytime they pray; it’s impossibilities they see.
There are teachings Paul called the doctrines of demons, such teachings carry falsehood and many people with itching ears run for them. Anything that disagrees with the testimony of Jesus Christ concerning the finished works on the cross is false no matter how pleasing it’s like in the eyes of Man.
Some believers just love to be called sinners, others call themselves unworthy believers; they all put on a false righteousness which actually disagrees with what Jesus accomplished through his death and resurrection.
Saints the conscience of man is very powerful, what you teach a man can deliberately kill them because it’s not Truth, when a Man walks out of Faith it means he has abandoned the totality of things which make us in God and has deliberately set his heart against God’s influence in his life.
*Further study* 2Peter 1:12, 2Timothy 3:1-5
*Nugget* Anything that disagrees with the testimony of Jesus Christ concerning the finished works on the cross is false no matter how pleasing it’s like in the eyes of Man.
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