Theme scripture: *_Acts.8.30-31 – Philip ran over and heard the man reading from the prophet Isaiah; so he asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” – The man replied, “How can I, when there is no one to instruct me?” And he begged Philip to come up into the carriage and sit with him._*
*_”Do you understand what you are reading?”_* It is a beautiful question Philip asked the Ethiopian eunuch. In simple terms,do you understand the dreams you get? Do you understand the visions you get?
Many of us have heard deep spiritual experiences but because we did not understand their significance,we treated them as normal. We have encountered devotions, sermons, christian materials etc but *_did we understand what we experienced?_*
It is possible for a man to sit and read his bible for hours and yet he does not understand it? That is what happened to the eunuch. He had a zeal and commitment to study the word of God,but he could not understand it.
He needed the aid and guidance of Philip to understand the word of God. The truth is that many christians do not understand the word of God and need someone else to explain it to them. *_What step have you personally taken to ensure that you understand the word of God?_*
Look at what this eunuch did; Acts.8.31 – *_…And he begged Philip to come up into the carriage and sit with him._* He knew that Philip understood the word of God and he invited him to teach and explain to him the word.
In your quest for understanding the word, always exercise a discipline of sitting under men who understand the word of God. Do not say you do not understand the word of God. There are people God has a given a deeper understanding and can explain it to you well. Invite them just like the eunuch invited Philip.
*Glory to God*
_Have you understood that dream you got? Have you understood that devotion you have just read? Everytime you do not understand what you are reading,find some one who can explain it you. Invite a man of understanding. Let them explain to you._
*Praise be to God!!*
Father I thank you because you have given me an understanding of all things. I thank you for the men you have placed a head of me to understand in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
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