2Timothy 4:3-4 KJV For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Today when you teach that Christians are not supposed to be sick, some look at you as a cult. Why? Because they have turned away their ears from hearing the truth and are busy listening to political fables etc.
Many want to hear things that appeal to their emotions and not truth. When you speak of the mystery of faith they say you are a witch doctor.
The devil has presented to many darkness in form of light and they have gladly received it as truth.
Others spend their time listening to secular motivational speakers instead of listening to what the scriptures say. They allow a natural man to teach them what scriptures say instead of the holy spirit himself. Remember, not all who quote the Bible are born again.
For example today when you lose your parents, the wisdom of men will call you an orphan especially people who walk by the physical senses. But according to the wisdom of God, you are not an orphan. Why? We have a greater father in heaven who cannot die, *ohhh glory to God.* You have a family in heaven and on earth. Paul is a family member, Peter is a family member, Unless when they are just apostles to you. *We don’t have orphans in the kingdom of God.*
*Further study:* 1st Corinthians 2:14, Ephesians 3:15, 2nd Corinthians 11:14
*Nugget:* A Christian is never referred to as an orphan, it doesn’t matter how many physical parents you have lost. By the eyes of the spirit you are not an orphan. You have a caring and loving father ohh glory to God. It’s only the wisdom of men that will call you an orphan.
*Prayer:* Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you that I am never alone, when nights seem long and trouble seems to overtake me, one thing I know is that I have a mighty father who can never allow me sink. I cannot give in to the deception of this world. Amen.
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