Apostle Paul addressed believers not to be confirmed to this world!
” Conformed ” means “to be poured into the mold of.”

In this life , you will encounter pressures from the world, from the devil , from unbelievers and from circumstances. Although you can’t avoid being melted, you can choose which mold you.

When pressure comes, will you become bitter or better? As fiery trials arise , will you stand victorious or give in to defeat? The choice is yours, but you will be changed!

Be transformed by renewing of your mind! ” Transformed ” in the Greek is the same word we derive “metamorphosis ” from. Its picture of little worm spinning a cocoon and then coming out as a butterfly.

The way you transform, change , metamorphose from being bitter , hurtful, sick and defeated into loving , healed, healthy and victorious person that God created you to be , is through renewing your mind.

Your spirit is already changed, and your body is basically your soul’s caboose. Whatever you think in your soul, your body will just go along the ride.

Therefore, it’s your mind , your thoughts, your attitudes that determine whether you experience victory and the life of God in your spirit or the defeat and death of the fallen natural realm.
Renewing your mind the word of God facilitates your transformation.


*FURTHER STUDY:* Philippians 4:8-9, Colossians 3:16 (AMPC)

*COUNSEL:* God’s Word tells you what is spiritual. It gives you the new values and attitudes you should conform yourself to. As you continually look into the Lord’s spiritual mirror, you will begin to see and experience the life of God and yourself for who you really are!

*PRAYER:* Loving Heavenly Father, I thank you for this truth, it is a shield and buckler unto my life, I give myself wholly to it , I choose to conform my mind to your Word, it is changing me and my generation in mighty Name of Jesus. *Amen*


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