*Study Scripture:* _John 16:13-But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future]._*(AMP)*


Guiding means to direct or show the way to be followed. The term lead can be used as a synonym to give the same meaning.

In our theme scripture, Jesus highlights a fundamental aspect of the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. The Holy Spirit guides/leads us into all truth. A wise woman once said that to be led means you follow.

This simply implies that beyond the place of questioning where you are being taken, your first response as a believer who is led of the Holy Spirit is to follow. Jesus Himself was led of the Holy Spirit showing us a pattern that we ought to emulate.

The scripture goes on and says the Holy Spirit speaks to us of things that He hears the Father speak, what more then can cause us to walk out of God’s will for us other than a lack of surrender.

Total surrender of one’s will comes before a death to self. You will be led of the Spirit to die to certain habits or even associations but the place of surrendering your personal will to the Lord’s is entirely your choice.

When you fully surrender your will and thus die to self, then you have submitted yourself to God’s will for you.
*Praise be to God!!*

*Further study* :
Psalms 119:105.
Matthew 4:1.

*Nugget* :
When you fully surrender your will and thus die to self, then you have submitted yourself to God’s will for you.

*Prayer* :
Father we express our love towards you for your mercy towards us. We thank you for the ministry of the Holy Spirit upon our lives. We carry a testimony of grace because through the teachings of the Holy Spirit, we come to know who you have called us to be. We receive your word with meekness, in Jesus’ name


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