*Study scripture:* _Acts 16:6-7 – Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia, – After they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not._


Not every door that opens up in your midst is of God. Simply because something appeals to your flesh and emotions and you have the liberty concerning it is not a proof that it is an invitation of the spirit.

Paul the apostle and his envoy perceived an open door to go to Asia to preach the gospel and were stopped by the Holy spirit. Later, they resorted to Mysia and the spirit of God still could not accept them.

Paul and his colleagues had felt the liberty in their spirits to enter the cities, but the presence of the spirit was not with them. They judged with their senses to think it was an open door. Their flesh and souls had confirmed it.

All of us must know that God is a spirit and he does not confirm things using the flesh or soul,he confirms things by his spirit.

The ultimate judgement a Christian must have concerning a matter is the judgement of the spirit and not the observation of what takes place in the flesh.

A relationship may appear nice to enter. That lady may appear automatically to be your wife. That guy may appear automatically to be your husband and based on what you see with your eyes,you could fall for him or her. But have you taken time to seek for God’s judgement of the spirit concerning that person?

It is possible for something to be good when God is in it. It is also possible for something to be good and Satan is in it. On the other hand, It is possible for something to appear bad and God is in it. It is also possible for something to be bad and Satan is behind.

Judgement is not based on whether it is good or bad to qualify it or not. The voice behind it matters. God can stop you from entering a relationship, ministry, career etc based on his judgement of the spirit. It is all you need concerning issues.

That is why as a Christian,you elevate your eyes above the judgement of the flesh. Cease to qualify and disqualify things based on what you see,hear, touch , smell with your senses and emotions. Ascend to spirit for God is a spirit.

It is not automatic that because you feel comfortable entering that job, career, lady, gentleman , city, ministry etc God is behind it. Always take off time and seek the Lord before you make some decisions.
*Praise the Lord!*

*Further study:*
John 4:23-24
Genesis 13:10

Not every door that appears comfortable and good for you to enter is of God. Learn to seek God before you makeup your mind to enter that city, relationship, career etc. Paul had confirmed with his eyes that he would go to Asia and Mysia but the spirit of God was not it. The greatest judgement is the voice of the spirit. Not my flesh and emotions.

*Prayer:* I thank you Holy spirit for I possess a spiritual judgement concerning all issues. All my decisions are led of the spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.


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