Col.2.6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: (KJV)
Col.2.7 You’re deeply rooted in him. You’re well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving. (MSB)

As Christians, it is so important to establish strong roots in Jesus Christ. If we are going to live out our purpose as followers of Christ, we cannot live the Christian life and fulfill the mission God has for us without being rooted in Christ and Understanding how a tree grows is the best way to describe what rooted in Christ means.

The strong roots of the tree are the foundation and allow the tree to grow tall and strong. The roots provide the foundation for the tree to grow, and provide the necessary nutrients through the soil that the tree needs to grow and to eventually produce fruit and so Just like a tree, we are called to grow and produce fruit as Christians for God’s glory. We are called to grow into mature Christians, and we are called to raise disciples and glorify God in the work he calls us to do.

So saints being rooted in Christ is establishing strong roots or strong foundation in Christ .Just like a house that is built on a rock, when you build your life on Jesus, you will be able to stand firm during trials or storms. You will not be tossed around when time get tough because you have built your life on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ.

1 John 2:27
Psalms 1:1-4

Just like a house that is built on a rock, when you build your life on Jesus, you will be able to stand firm during trials or storms. You will not be tossed around when time get tough because you have built your life on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ

We thank you Lord for this your truth,,we choose to abide in you and have a strong foundation in you holy spirit because we understand that ij you is our firm foundation, in Jesus’ mighty name we pray. AMEN


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