*Study scripture:*

*Romans 12:18*
_If it is possible, as much as depends on you, *live peaceably with all men.*_


Praise the Lord! What an awesome study scripture this is! The lord is requiring of us especially we who have received the Holy Spirit that _*as much as depends on us to live peaceably with all men*_. Note that it’s ” *ALL* ” men and not just some. A new commandment has the lord given us, _”…that you love one another; *as I have loved you, that you also love one another”*_ .(John 13;34)

As He has loved us so must we love others and did you know one of the ways God has loved us even when we are still very unlovely because of the sin that so often easily ensnares us is by choosing to be at *”Peace”* with us because of the sacrifice His son Jesus would under go? _” Glory to God in the highest, *And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!* “_(Luke 2;14). So you see that we too are called upon to imitate God and try as much as depends on us to extend that very love; *Peace* before ” *ALL men* ” lovely or not and here are some examples of Jesus, the first born among many sons being peaceable….

The scripture says,…

*Romans 13:1-2*
_”Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.”_

Did you know that the Roman government at the time of Jesus weren’t a God fearing government and infact would later play a part in his crucifixion and yet we see Jesus pay His taxes to Ceasar, obeying and giving the ” *Not so good* ” government it’s dues and hence being at peace with them? (Matthew 22;15-22) Did you also know there where times Jesus was plotted against by His enemies the Pharisees but instead just chose to withdraw away from them for Peace’s sake? (Matthew 12;14-15 ) Those are just a few of the many examples where Jesus tried to be at peace with everyone even those He knew would get Him killed. Hallelujah!

With every temptation that comes our way, God has provided a way of escape and He can if possible help us stay at peace with all men. Let’s therefore continue yielding to the Holy Spirit through the Word to work this ” *Being peaceable with all men* ” in us because it’s not by our power, nor strength but by the Spirit. It’s God who will work in us to be at peace with all men lovely or not just as He is now at peace with us.

*Further study*
Zechariah 4:6, Philippians 2;13, 1 Corinthians 10;13

With every temptation that comes our way, God has provided a way of escape and He can if possible help us stay at peace with all men. Let’s therefore continue yielding to the Holy Spirit through the Word to work this ” *Being peaceable with all men* ” in us because it’s not by our power, nor strength but by the Spirit. It’s God who will work in us to be at peace with all men lovely or not just as He is now at peace with us.

Father we thank you because you are a good God who esteems Peaceful living. Teach us lord to be at peace with everyone just as you are at peace with us in Jesus’Name Amen.
*Study scripture:*

*Romans 12:18*
_If it is possible, as much as depends on you, *live peaceably with all men.*_


Praise the Lord! What an awesome study scripture this is! The lord is requiring of us especially we who have received the Holy Spirit that _*as much as depends on us to live peaceably with all men*_. Note that it’s ” *ALL* ” men and not just some. A new commandment has the lord given us, _”…that you love one another; *as I have loved you, that you also love one another”*_ .(John 13;34)

As He has loved us so must we love others and did you know one of the ways God has loved us even when we are still very unlovely because of the sin that so often easily ensnares us is by choosing to be at *”Peace”* with us because of the sacrifice His son Jesus would under go? _” Glory to God in the highest, *And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!* “_(Luke 2;14). So you see that we too are called upon to imitate God and try as much as depends on us to extend that very love; *Peace* before ” *ALL men* ” lovely or not and here are some examples of Jesus, the first born among many sons being peaceable….

The scripture says,…

*Romans 13:1-2*
_”Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.”_

Did you know that the Roman government at the time of Jesus weren’t a God fearing government and infact would later play a part in his crucifixion and yet we see Jesus pay His taxes to Ceasar, obeying and giving the ” *Not so good* ” government it’s dues and hence being at peace with them? (Matthew 22;15-22) Did you also know there where times Jesus was plotted against by His enemies the Pharisees but instead just chose to withdraw away from them for Peace’s sake? (Matthew 12;14-15 ) Those are just a few of the many examples where Jesus tried to be at peace with everyone even those He knew would get Him killed. Hallelujah!

With every temptation that comes our way, God has provided a way of escape and He can if possible help us stay at peace with all men. Let’s therefore continue yielding to the Holy Spirit through the Word to work this ” *Being peaceable with all men* ” in us because it’s not by our power, nor strength but by the Spirit. It’s God who will work in us to be at peace with all men lovely or not just as He is now at peace with us.

*Further study*
Zechariah 4:6, Philippians 2;13, 1 Corinthians 10;13

With every temptation that comes our way, God has provided a way of escape and He can if possible help us stay at peace with all men. Let’s therefore continue yielding to the Holy Spirit through the Word to work this ” *Being peaceable with all men* ” in us because it’s not by our power, nor strength but by the Spirit. It’s God who will work in us to be at peace with all men lovely or not just as He is now at peace with us.

Father we thank you because you are a good God who esteems Peaceful living. Teach us lord to be at peace with everyone just as you are at peace with us in Jesus’Name Amen.


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