*Study scripture:* _Leviticus 17:11 – For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul._
As long as a man is putting on flesh,his life flows through the blood. It is not by mistake that when a man goes to hospital,the doctors will always check his blood for any form of sickness because all sicknesses have their identities in blood.
When a man gets an accident and he bleeds out,he eventually dies because of loss of blood. In blood transfusion, they will have to test your blood first before it can be donated. This is because blood defines the life of a man in the flesh.
But remember we are not in the flesh. Being born again is to born after the nature and image of God. God is a spirit and he does not have blood and flesh. Where does God then get his life? Him being spirit means his life is not in the flesh.
As a spiritual being, the life of God is in the word only. As the life of the flesh is in blood, the life of the spirit is in the word. A man born of the spirit nolonger runs his life in blood but in the spirit. To live in the spirit is not a character,it is to be responsive to the word.
*_John.6.63 – It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life._* To us the believers, the flesh has no effect on us. Our profiting and benefits is in the word. It is the word that is spirit and life to us. The life of a believer is in the word. Never forget that.
Even if the doctors found malaria, HIV, sickle cell in your blood. Do not say my life has those diseases. You are responding as a man living in the flesh because to such a man,he believes the testimony of what was found in his blood always. His life is there.
As a spirit man, your true life is not what the doctor found in the blood, your true life is what you found in the word. That by his stripes you are healed. Believe the report of the word because that is your true life. Men in the flesh are defined by blood. Men in the spirit are defined by the word.
Your life is nolonger in your blood. Even if in your bloodline their were failures, your life in the word says you are success,a prosperous man and have made. Look into the word, not in the blood to identify your true life child of God.
*Further study:*
Proverbs 4:21-22
Proverbs 3:8
John 4:23
*Nugget:* Just as the life of the flesh is in the blood,so is the life of the spirit in the word. You are born after God and God is not in the flesh. Therefore his life is not in blood. Since he is a spirit,his life dwells in the word only. And as you are born after him as a spirit, your life is a testimony of what the word has said and not the occurrences in your flesh and blood.
I Know am born of the spirit. The life of God is at work in me. Am elevated above flesh and blood. My family, career, relationship and all things are a testimony of what the word has spoken to the glory of God in Jesus’ name.
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