*Study scripture:* _Romans 10:10 – For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation._


How does a man become born again? The theme scripture says with the heart a man believes unto righteousness. What gives you Righteousness is faith. This kind of righteousness doesn’t come by works.What does a man believe?

This man believes that God has raised Jesus from the dead. _*Romans 10:9* – That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and *shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.*_ What you believe with your heart is the reality that God has raised Jesus from dead. It is what gives you righteousness.

One dimension of the human heart in the spiritual realm is his spirit. It is your spirit that believes unto righteousness. Your spirit/ heart believes that God has raised Jesus from the dead and it hence becomes a new creature and Righteous in God.

*_Romans 4:25 – Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification._* When Jesus died, it was because of our sins. He suffered on the cross because of our sins. But when he was raised from the dead,he was raised because of our righteousness. His death is the end of sin and his resurrection is the genesis of righteousness.

That is why a man can never be saved unless he believes in death and resurrection of Jesus, much more the resurrection. Because the death is the destruction of the sinful body and his resurrection is the impartation of righteousness that is why you become the Righteousness of God in him.

When a man believes that,the scripture says then with the mouth, confession, proclamation, declaration is made unto salvation. It is not enough for a man to only say I believe in Jesus. That man must boldly confess that Jesus is Lord over his life to have complete salvation.

Some men say *_”what if I just believe in Jesus in my heart but don’t confess?”_* They cannot be saved. Even Satan and demons believe that Jesus is the son of God, but they can never confess him as Lord and savior. What separates you from the fallen world is attaching a confession to your faith.

*Further study:*
2 Corinthians 5:17
Romans 4:1-10

*Nugget:* For a man to be saved, with his heart he believes that God has raised Jesus from the dead and with his mouth he confesses that Jesus is Lord. It is not enough to only believe,even devils believe. What imparts the Righteousness of God is you confessing.
*_Glory to God!!_*

*Prayer:* I believe and know I am the Righteousness of God in Christ. I have been delivered from sin and all manner of oppression. Am a child of God in the name of Jesus.


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