_1st Thessalonians 5:8 KJV But let us, who are of the day, *be sober,* putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation._


Being sober can be likened to a person who doesn’t drink alcohol. A person who is drunk with alcohol is not sober and the result is losing balance. That’s why they can’t walk easily.

Scriptures tell us to be sober. But the question is what makes us sober? What helps us not to lose balance in the spirit realm and in the things of God?

What keeps us sober in the spirit are the three things Paul mentions in our opening scripture. Paul speaks of putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for an helmet the hope of salvation. This literally means that faith, hope and love are the things that keeps us sober in the spirit.

A man whose walk is not determined by these three elements is not sober in the spirit world. It doesn’t matter how organised you are in the physical world, the moment you walk out of these three then you are not sober.

When you prophesy, teach, pray etc without walking in these three then you have lost balance, it doesn’t matter how much you see, how much you hear, how much you pray, you are not balanced. Always examine yourself using these three elements and you will stay sober in the spirit.

*FURTHER STUDY*: 1st Corinthians 13:13, 2nd Corinthians 13:5

*PRAYER* Father I thank you for the understanding that you have imparted in my spirit, I pray that you help me to stay balanced in the things that concern you that I may be without blame in any are in Jesus name amen.


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