*Jeremiah 29:13 (KJV)*; And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Oftentimes, people excuse their inability to spend time in the presence of God by claiming that they cannot spare enough time for it. They are very busy, so they claim, as such, to find an hour in their schedules to speak to God would be asking for too much.
For some, their jobs are too demanding, they claim. They are required to be up very early to make it to the office in time and when they return, they are too tired and sleep is their sole focus. How should they be expected to pray when they must dash out of their homes in the morning in order to beat the traffic or return home too exhausted from the day’s activities? Should they be blamed if their days are too hectic for them to even consider praying within the day itself?
Today, I write to that man or woman who thinks that the reason they are not praying is because they do not have time to pray.
The truth is that consistency in prayer is not a question of how much free time a person may or may not have, it is a question of the heart. In our theme scripture, God says that when you seek Him, you must do so with all your heart. A willing heart will always find a way to spend time with God.
Martin Luther, the seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation once said, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours [of my day] in prayer.” That was a willing heart. A willing heart will pray through the veils of fatigue at the end of a long day, until the strength to pray more deeply rises in his heart. More importantly, a willing heart is yielded to the Spirit of God to lead him in prayer in any place and at any time.
If you find yourself struggling to find the time to pray, understand that it is not because you are too busy. It is most likely that your heart doesn’t beat after His presence. Instead of asking God to avail you time to pray, ask Him to deal with your heart.
*FURTHER STUDY*: Luke 18:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:17
*GOLDEN NUGGET*: Consistency in prayer is not a question of how much free time a person may or may not have, it is a question of the heart. A willing heart will always find a way to spend time with God.
*PRAYER*: Loving Father, I thank You for this word. The Bible says that men ought to always pray and not to faint. It says that I must pray without ceasing. It says that You have given to me the Spirit of prayer and supplication and that my labour in prayer is not by power nor might but by Your Spirit. You cause me to pray and to abide consistently in You. I am without excuse because I have received this understanding. I can never live a prayerless life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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